On 12th September 2016, Rotary Club of Kakarvitta organized Generation Gap Orientation Program with the Support of Human Service Ashram (Manavsewa Ashram ), Hetaud. Past President Rtn. Dilip Subedi chaired the program & we had Dr. Govinda Tandon (Member secretary of the Pashupati Area Development Trust) as our Chief Guest.
Chief Guest Dr. Tandon, enlightened the topic explaining about the current state between the generations. How today’s generation is being misguided in the name of religion & tradition. Today there is more value of a substance then the emotions. Lastly he concluded that, its only we that can come over & recover the gap between the generations & finally whole family, from grandfather till grandson will be dinning on the same table.
Mr. Ramji Adhikari, Central President of Human Service Ashram (Manav Sewa Ashram) kept a short introduction about his organization. He also added that their organization is targeted to make our country as Neglected Human Free Street, where there will be no human suffering in the streets in lack of love & care.
As the feedback of the Program, Social Activist, Mr. Krishna Prasad Uprety & President of Mahila Janchetna Kendra, Mrs Radha Pradhan Karki said that the is program went well & added few points to the topic from their side too. They were very grateful towards the club of organizing such events & inviting them as participants.
President of Rotaract Club of Kakarvitta welcomed all with his welcome speech & Mrs. Maiya Prasai explained about the motive of the program. Chairman of the Program Rtn. Dilip Subedi thanked the chief guest with the Token of Love & promised that our club will back with these types of program in the future too. Secretary Rtn. Sujan Pradhan conducted the Program.