Field Activities


Traffic Awareness Program – 4th UN Global Road Safety Week 2017

13th May 2017 | On the occasion of 4th UN Global Road Safety Week 2017, Rotary Club of Kakarvitta & Rotaract Club of Kakarvitta jointly organized Traffic Awareness Program with the support of Kakarvitta Traffic at the premises of Hanuman Temple, Kakarvitta. On the program, Kakarvitta Traffic In-charge, Sub Inspector, Mr. Narayan Acharya & Deputy Superintend of Police Mr. Durgaraj Regmi explained how its important to follw the traffic rules in day to day life & how a minor carelessness can risk human lives. Its better to slow down & save lives rather then to risk the life of others & ownself by speeding up. President Elect of Rotaract Club of Kakarvitta, Rtr. Krishna Kafle informed all about the “dos & don’t” of the traffics rules. Rotaract Club of Kakarvitta, Rtr. Pema Tamang kept the welcome speech on behalf of the organizers & Assistant Governor, Rtn. Raju Maharjan thanked all in his Vote of Thanks to all the guest & participants. Rtn. Radeeka Gurung, President of Rotary Club of Kakarvitta highlighted the importance of program & Secretary Rtn. Sujan Pradhan conducted the program as Master of Ceremony. After the official program, the participant & organizers did a rally around the Kakarvitta Market, Bus Park & ended up on the Bhattarai Chowk, Barmel Tole. 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enviroment orientation tree plantation rotary club of kakarvitta 0 1

Environment Orientation & Tree Plantation

On 7th August 2015, Rotary Club of Kakarvitta organized Environment Orientation & Tree Plantation Program at the premises of Kakarvitta Higher Secondary School with the support of Junior Nepal Red Cross Circle. Program was honored by the Chief Guest, Sub-Executive Officer of Area Forest Office, Mr. Anirudh Prasad Shah. Principal of the School Mr. Chudimani Baral thanked to Rotary Club of Kakarvitta for program & making their school green & environment friendly. Mr. Amar Pariyar of Nepal Junior Red Cross Society said he was pleased to get the privilege to work with the club & looking for the more program in the coming Future. Chief Guest, Mr. Anirudh Prasad Shah educated the students about the environment & the importance about the tree plantation. He also guided, how a tree plantation has to be done & how can it be cured & prevented. After the orientation 100 trees were planted along with the bamboo basket around the school premises by the Rotarian & the students. IPP, Rtn Dilip Subedi welcomed all the distinguished Guest & enlighten about the Rotary International where President Elect, Rtn. Radeeka Gurung Kept Vote of Thanks on behalf of the club informing about the Rotary Activities. President Rtn. Raju Maharjan thanked chief guest for his time & informed the future plans of the Club & the program was conducted by Secretary, Rtn. Sujan Pradhan.

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5 scholarship distribution rotary club of kakarvitta

Rotary Scholarship Program [2015-16]

On 6th August 2015, Program held in Mechi Jansadharan Higher Secondary School, Rotary Club of Kakarvitta selected 5 students for the Scholarship from the different locality this year. Those student were selected on the basis of their performance on their previous Board Exams & their family financial condition. We found students had to walk at-least 1-2 hrs to reach School. Where the School begins Early Morning, they have to leave their house 4AM-5 AM as there are no Higher Secondary Schools around their Locality. Program was held on the president-ship of Rtn. Raju Maharjan where he enlighten about the Rotary Activities & our plans about the Literacy on the future. Principal of the school Mr. Mukti Chamlagain said he was pleased to have an opportunity to work with Rotary. He also added he is looking forward for other programs in the future too. Students to receive the Scholarship: 1. Binita Puri, Class-12, Mechi Jansadharan Higher Secondary School 2. Santosh Kumar Shrestha, Class-11, Mechi Jansadharan Higher Secondary School 3. Anup Thapa, Class-11, Mechi Jansadharan Higher Secondary School 4. Ashmika Dahal, Class-11, Mechi Jansadharan Higher Secondary School 5. Aasher Uraw, BEd 1st Year, Kakarvitta Multiple Campus Youth Service Chair, Rtn. Nabin Baral kept the welcome speech, who is also the coordinator of this program. President Elect Rtn. Radeeka Gurung thanked the School & the Staffs for allowing our club to be a part of their School & Secretary Rtn. Sujan Pradhan conducted the Program.

Rotary Scholarship Program [2015-16] Read More »

shelter kits distributed 5

Shelter Kits Distributed

Shelter Kits being distributed as a relief to the victims of ward No. 6 and 8 (Mane Chautaro) of Kalyanpur VDC of Nuwakot by Rotary Club of Kathmandu North East Those distributed Shelter Kits contains those which were sent by The Rotary India Humanity Foundation, Kolkata, India which went via Kakarvitta Route & coordinated by Rotary Club of Kakarvitta at the Mechi Custom at Help-Desk

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cancer awareness screening medical health camp 10

Cancer Awareness & Screening Medical Health Camp

On the 30th January 2015, #Rotary Club of Kakarvitta organized a Cancer Awareness & Screening Medical Health Camp on the premises of Shree Vidya Vikash Academy, Bahundangi-1 targeting the people of rural area Bahundangi, who has less reach to the hospital & where there is lack education about the Cancer. The Camp was done with the help of Bahundangi Jaycess & was technically Supported by Medica Cancer Hospital, Rangapani, India. With the Medical team, lead by Dr. S. Maryam Ahemad (Cancer Specialist), health Camp was specially targeted to investigate & do screening of the suspected & long term patience. Due to long addiction of tobacco chewing & cigarettes, people on the rural areas are in more danger to cancer. They are often habituated to ignore the common symptoms. To educate them about it we also did a Cancer Awareness Sessions. House Wives & Old Ladies showed more interest on those sessions. More than 100 patients were benefited by the screening where 18 patients were suspected for the cancer. Patients from the age of 12 till 98 participated the camp with the enthusiasm to get more knowledge about the cancer. On the formal program, Jc. Uttam Sithung (President of Bahundangi Jaycess) welcomed the guests where President Elect Rtn. Raju Maharjan enlighten about the Rotary International. Mr. Sanjiv Neogi (Public Relation Officer of Medica) said that they were pleased to get such an opportunity get direct contact with the people. Rtn. Nabin Baral (also Founder President of Bahundagi Jaycess) expressed his feeling that, how delight he was to have both organization in a single umbrella for such novel cause. Dr. S. Maryam Ahemad, Chief Guest of the program elaborated the causes & the symptoms of Cancer, She also said that Cancer is a Cureable if it can be diagnose on the initial stage. She also promised that the all the patients that shall be suspected for the cancer in this camp shallbe given 50% off on the initial diagnose. President of Rotary Club of Kakarvitta, Rtn. Dilip Subedi expressed his gratitude with the Token of Love to Medica team, Bahundangi Jaycess & the school Shree Vidya Vikash Academy, he further added that Rotary shall bring these types of camps & programs in the future too. The formal program was conducted by the Secretary Rtn. Sujan Pradhan where he elaborated about the Rotary Foundation & Polio Plus.

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