On 6th June 2015, #Rotary Club of Kakarvitta inspected 15 #Polio Both around the locality.Nepal National Polio Plus Committee had declared a National Immunization Day on the 23rd May 2015, but due to the disaster earthquake in Nepal at 25th June 2015, the event was postponed to the 6th April 2015.We visited the booths from the urban areas to the far rural areas. We also distributed banners, pamphlets & water bottles to all the volunteers on each booth. During the the inspection, we felt good to see the enthusiasm of the volunteers & to see them motivated towards their work.We even saw that the parents were participating actively to immunize their child & were also spreading the knowledge & awareness to their own neighbors. We were also pleased to see a 8 years old girl bringing her 4 years old sister to the booth in her cycle all the way. Vaccine were of Batch No.180O4112 & with the expiry date of December 2016. On the other hand, we found lack of the publicity in the rural areas before the Immunization Day but the volunteers were spreading the message from one person to another in a chain basis on the same day. They didn\’t have enough banners & Pamphlets. Some vaccination box seems old & unhygienic & some vaccination booth were situated on the open places just under the shades of a tree, which could increase the temperature inside the vaccination box. We got a opportunity to meet with the Vaccination Chief Mr. Surya Bahadur Khadka & his team on a booth, they were also inspecting the booth on the behalf of Nepal Government under Child Health Ministry. We had a short conversation with them & presented the data we saw around on our inspection.
- +977 9852662265
- [email protected]
- Mechinagar Municipality-6, Kakarvitta, Jhapa, Nepal